Taste of Monroeville

Taste of Monroeville

November 13, 2025   6 PM- 9 PM

The Monroeville/Monroe County Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring its annual Taste of Monroeville a Thursday in November at the Monroeville Community House. We invite you to join us from 6-9 p.m. with a specialty dish or dishes. Proceeds of this year’s event will benefit a deserving local organization. By participating, you will be contributing towards a great community project and will receive considerable exposure for your business!

Tickets are $30 each and include 6 taste tabs and 2 drink tickets.

Vendor Applications

Name: _________________________________________________ Category (check one): Professional _____ Amateur _____


Business Name: _________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________


Cell: ______________________________________________________ Work: _____________________________________________


Dessert _____ Entrée item ______ Both ______


Description of food items and quantities:



Vendor Guidelines


·      Table Set up from 1:00-4:00 p.m., food must be placed by 5:45 p.m.

·      Vendors should provide at least 150-200+ sample size bites of your food choice to be offered to patrons. Each patron has 6 individual tabs to be used for food, and two tables for drinks. NO REGISTRATION FEE.

·      Each vendor must provide their own table linens for an 8 ft. table, decorations, warmers, servers, paper products for serving size samples.

·      Vendors will not be allowed to use the Community House Kitchen for anything other than storing items in the fridge.

·      Vendors are allowed to grill or fry outside of the Community House in the designated vendor parking area. Vendors will not be able to plug in crockpots, warmers, microwaves, toasters, or other warming devices in the Community House.

·      The Chamber will provide an 8 ft. table, chairs, and mason jars for food sample tickets.

·      Each vendor will have a mason jar at their table for patrons to drop a tab in for each sample they receive. Mason Jars will be collected at the end of the night to tally each vendor’s total.

·      Vendors will receive a $1.00 for each tab redeemed from their jar.

·      Four awards will be given: Best Taste of Monroeville, Professional. Best Taste of Monroeville, Amateur. Best Dessert, Professional. Best Dessert, Amateur. Best Presentation. **Professionals are considered to be restaurants or licensed caterer and an amateur is considered to be a non-profit, business or individual.

Download Vendor Form

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